Supporting FAMNM as a Student Organization

Partner for Volunteer Hours

FAMNM hosts and participates in a variety of on and off campus events throughout the school year. If your members are having difficulty completing volunteer hour requirements, or are looking for STEM-focused volunteer opportunities, reach out to FAMNM supports both long-term volunteering partnerships and one-time events. The table below contains an approximate timeline for some of our major events, though by no means is it complete. Please note that all volunteers at FAMNM events are required to have completed a university background check and the minors on campus training.

Time Event Location Training Level Estimated Commitment
August FRC Offseason Area high school None 1 or 2 days
Early September FTC Kickoff North Campus Children on Campus ½ day
Early January FRC Kickoff North Campus Children on Campus 1 day
Early January FRC Quickbuild North Campus Children on Campus. Some FIRST, robotics, mechanical, electrical, or CS background is advised 1 day
January - April FRC Mentoring Area High Schools FAMNM Mentor Training. Some FIRST, robotics, mechanical, electrical, or CS background is advised. Minimum 8 hours a week for the winter semester
March - April FRC Volunteering Michigan highschools and colleges None, though some roles require FIRST certification All Day Friday & Saturday

Middle and High School Outreach Opportunities FIRST Robotics Students

FAMNM’s on and off campus events are great places to interact with future wolverines, their families, and the Ann Arbor Robotics community. All of our north campus events are great places to demo your team’s project to enthusiastic students or set up a table to engage your target communities. Most of these events fall between August and January, contact for the current dates.

Connect with the College of Engineering Community

FAMNM enthusiastically participates in a number of College of Engineering community-building events. Join us for the CoE Diversity Mixer, listen to other organization’s stories with us at DEI-focused symposiums, learn about the Ginsberg Center’s sponsored organization’s efforts at their annual poster session, and more. Again, has the scoop on our on-campus community events.